Colorful Cardinal Flowers

by Em

One of the best hummingbird plants you can grow is the native wildflower Lobelia cardinalis (cardinal flower). They grow 2-4 feet tall and love moist soil. You can grow them in regular garden soil if you remember to water them regularly. I’ve lost a few over the years, but the bright red flowers are such a hit with the hummingbirds that I always try to have a few of the plants in my garden.

This year I’m trying two different hybrid varieties. One is called ‘Golden Torch’. It grows 24 inches tall in full sun to part shade. It has the same bright red flowers as the native species, but the foliage is lime green:

I’m also testing ‘Queen Victoria’. It grows 36 inches with mahogany-red foliage:

Soon the hummingbirds will visit my yard to fatten up for their long migration, and I’ll find out what they think of my flashy new cardinal flowers.

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