I’m feeling very small in my backyard these days because some of my plants have decided to go all Jack in the Beanstalk on me. The Orienpet lilies next to our screen porch are almost 7 feet tall.
I can actually view the flowers on this severely-down-facing lily freebie lily I got several years ago because it’s almost 8 feet tall:
My ‘Friso’ (aka ‘Silk Road’) Orientpet lilies are almost 9 feet tall and climbing:
The grand prize goes to my ‘Honeycomb’ butterfly bush. One died out on me in the front yard several years, ago and when I finally found another one for sale, I planted it in a protected area near the south side of the house. It’s very happy there because it’s now peeking over the roof at more than 10 feet tall:
When it finally blooms, the flowers will be a lovely golden-yellow: