
by Em

We needed a change of scenery this past weekend, so my husband and my best friend and I drove to Western Wisconsin to the Great River Road along the Mississippi.

During our drive we made an impromptu visit to Wyalusing State Park, one of the best birding spots in the state.  The woods were full of sweet melodies.  I heard some of the same birds I’ve seen migrate through my backyard like Scarlet Tanagers and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. I also heard a lot of songs I couldn’t identify. It was another reminder that I really need to brush up on my bird calls.

An Indigo Bunting mocked the tiny point-and-shoot camera I had with me by repeatedly landing a few feet away from us as we admired the Mississippi River.

It was fun to watch the Turkey Vultures soar on thermals above our heads at the lookout point.

But the most thrilling bird siting occurred before we even got out of the car. At the main entrance of the park where you pull over to buy state park stickers, the staff has hung several hummingbird feeders right near the service window.There were at least 30 or more Ruby-throated Hummingbirds darting about the feeders. For the most part they weren’t even frightened by the cars and the curious onlookers.

I’ve never seen so many at one time. Even more exciting was that they were all males. I only see females in my backyard, but never the males with their beautiful iridescent red throats. It was an unexpected treat to be surrounded by them.

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