Petunia ‘Easy Wave Silver’

by Em
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The first Wave petunia I ever tried was ‘Purple Wave’. I was an early adopter of Wave petunias, and I lost count of how many people walked by our house and asked me about those crazy purple petunias that just bloomed and bloomed and bloomed.

Eventually I grew tired of ‘Purple Wave’, and ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ became my favorite Wave petunia. Nowadays there are Wave petunias galore including, but not limited to, Easy Waves, Tidal Waves and Shock Waves.

This year I tried ‘Easy Wave Silver’ because it reminded me of ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ which I haven’t grown for years. The flowers look rather similar, but ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ has a bit more of a purple tinge to it. This is ‘Easy Wave Silver’:

And this is ‘Tidal Wave Silver’:

I started ‘Easy Wave Silver’ from seed indoors in mid-March and planted the seedlings in pots outdoors in late May. Easy Waves don’t sprawl as much as Tidal Waves. This petunia grows in a nice, compact mound (seen here with ‘Easy Wave Red Velour’):

‘Easy Wave Silver’ blends nicely with bolder colors like reds and purples. The plants self-clean and they don’t get leggy.

‘Easy Wave Silver’ is great for pots and planters and blooms all summer long. I would definitely grow this cultivar again.





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