Warding off Winter

by Em
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I got tired of looking at my only-getting-sadder Opera petunias day after day, so last week I yanked them out and threw them in the compost heap. I’ve never cleaned up any of my planters this early in the season before, and it kind of freaked me out. Maybe with this act I would potentially cause winter to come faster. Perish the thought.

As I was checking the pots on the patio to see if there were any other plants to put out of their misery, I discovered these little guys growing up from the cracks in the pavers. Baby petunias! I even found one in bloom.

I had no idea if they would hold together roots-and-all if I pulled them out, but they did. I stuck all four into one of the now-naked pots:

One of them is definitely a self-seeded ‘Tidal Wave Cherry’ petunia which I grew last summer and in 2013:

I don’t know if the little sprouts will survive, but it sure made me feel better to have something growing in one of the pots again. I’m not quite ready for winter.







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