An Abundance of Babies

by Em
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The wren babies must be ready to leave their nest. The mother has been scolding anyone that dares come within 50 feet of the birdhouse. Yesterday a sparrow landed on the house and started peeking in the hole. The parents went nuts. After 10 minutes of scolding and squawking, one of the parents shot out of the house and pecked that sparrow right in the head.

The chickadee babies fledged several weeks ago. They got out just in time because the temperatures soon soared into the 90s. I’m surprised the wren babies haven’t been baked alive

I’ve seen Great-crested Flycatchers in the neighborhood during spring migration, but this is the first time they’ve hung around for the season. I wonder if they are raising a family nearby.

And while I started out the season with very few chipmunks, they have since multiplied like rabbits and little baby chipmunks are scurrying around everywhere I look. As much as they drive me absolutely crazy, I have to admit they are cute.

What’s not so cute is that I lost the battle with the rabbit that wanted to build a nest in my annual flowerbeds. She picked a 94-degree afternoon to give birth. That evening I found a large mound of soil but no corresponding hole. I poked around and found the nest with baby rabbits squirming inside. I didn’t have the heart to dispose of them, so soon I’m going to have an even bigger rabbit headache.

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