The Sounds of Spring

by Em
1 comment

Spring must be coming soon because after several months of radio silence, the birds are trying out their voices again. In the last few days I’ve heard cardinals, House Finches, chickadees and White-breasted Nuthatches either calling to each other or trying out bits of their spring songs.

But so far it’s a Tufted Titmouse that’s giving me the most joy. That little bird chatters constantly.

I have a tiny microphone just outside my window that allows me to hear the backyard birds on an indoor speaker when the windows are closed.

The Titmouse likes to perch on the closest branch to it and give me a free concert.






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1 comment

ear February 19, 2017 - 5:54 pm

These photos of the different birds visiting you are beautiful. The one of the cardinal is especially pretty. The light on his red “crown” is gorgeous!! You are a very gifted photographer of birds.

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