Maybe Next Year

by Em
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I grew two tomato plants this year, but I never got to taste a single tomato.

The chipmunks got to the first few fruits before I did by taking little bites out of them. I’m not keen on hantavirus or salmonella, so I disposed of those fruits and put some netting at the base of my tomato plants to stop it from happening again.

A few weeks later the raccoons stole all the ripening fruit. I guess the netting didn’t stop them.

The next batch of tomatoes matured while I was on vacation in Colorado. When we returned there was a cold snap that slowed down ripening. In late October the plants were loaded with fruit again, but soon after we had our first frost.

At least my mother-in-law was kind enough to share this monster-sized tomato with us.

Maybe next year I’ll get to slice up my own tomato for a BLT.


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