Teeming with Turkey Vultures

by Em
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Our neighborhood has been overtaken by Turkey Vultures this spring. I’m not sure if they’re here to stay or if they are just waiting out the chilly spring weather before moving on to more suitable breeding territory.

A flock of them has been hanging out in the trees of a neighborhood park and another in a nearby city golf course. It’s not unusual to look out the window and see a dozen or more of the birds riding the wind currents on any given day.

This photo was taken at a considerable distance as one of the birds flew over a neighbor’s house last week.

The bird looks small in the photo but up close the wing span of a Turkey Vulture is 5 to 6 feet.

It’s interesting to me that the songbirds don’t scatter at the feeders when one of these birds flies over, even though from a distance it can look just like a hawk. They somehow know that these carrion-eaters are no threat to them.

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