Belated Bulbs

by Em
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Spring is finally here with high temperatures reaching the 60s and low 70s(F).

Because we went 138 days without seeing a 60-degree high, the trees, shrubs and perennials stayed dormant until now which is a good thing or there would be a lot of winter kill. But it’s truly bizarre to have crocuses and snowdrops blooming in late April. They are about 6 weeks late. We should be on the tail end of the tulip and daffodil seasons by now.

This week I cleaned up my flowerbeds and there were still areas where I could not pull out plant stakes because they were stuck in frozen ground. Perhaps that’s why my robin is still visiting the bird feeder regularly. And now he has competition. A second male has checked out the feeder and the other night I spotted this female sneaking a few sunflower chips and pieces of dried fruit.

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