Chicks Dig Moss

by Em
1 comment

I discovered a purpose for the green, fuzzy moss that seems to pop up everywhere. Chickadees use it for nesting material! I watched a pair of Chickadees yank moss from my raised bed pavers and busily fill up one of my birdhouses yesterday afternoon. It was very entertaining to watch.

I was surprised at the amount of moss they would carry each time. One of the birds had such a face full that he slipped and missed the hole on his first try. He regained his balance in mid-air and found the hole the second time.

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » Critter Count 6-19-08 (a tally of the critters in my yard) June 19, 2008 - 3:10 pm

[…] There are baby animals everywhere right now (like the baby chipmunk pictured above). The chickadees that nested in my birdhouse have fledged and they are flying above in the oak trees accompanied by […]

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