Critter Count 5-2-08 (a tally of the critters in my yard)

by Em
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Time: 2 p.m.

Conditions: Cloudy, muggy and hazy with a temperature of 70 degrees

Location: the backyard

Notes: Another of my favorite migrants has arrived—the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. So far I’ve only seen a female, but I did hear a male singing. I spotted some other migrating birds but they moved too swiftly for me to snap any photos.

Today’s Count:

  • 2 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks
  • 1 American Redstart
  • 1 Hermit Thrush
  • 2 Cardinals
  • 1 Blue Jay
  • 1 House Finch
  • 3 Goldfinches
  • 1 Chipping Sparrow
  • 2 Crows
  • 3 Mourning Doves
  • 2 Chickadees
  • 1 snacking Chipmunk

  • 1 House Wren (my first of the season, and he’s already checking out 2 of my birdhouses!)

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