Friendly Flicker

by Em
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I was sitting at my computer the other day when this big guy flew in front of the window. Without looking up I just assumed it was a Red-bellied Woodpecker. But when he flew to the peanut feeder and back to the hopper feeder I saw the flash of yellow on his tail, and I realized it was a Northern Flicker.

I’ve had flickers visit my yard in the past but usually only in early spring, and then they are always rummaging around on the ground looking for insects. In fact flickers prefer to look for their food on the ground, and don’t regularly visit feeders.

These birds are interesting to look at with their polka-dotted bellies and a black “mustache” and red nape.

I figured the bird was just passing through, but he visited the peanut feeders again the next day, so maybe he’s sticking around for awhile.


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