Don’t Waver from the Waves

by Em
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I must’ve made some math mistakes when I was planning how many flowers to sprout indoors this year because I seem to have more seedlings than I’m supposed to have. I hope they all fit in my little hardening-off greenhouses!

Germination was excellent this year except for a couple of new petunias I tried. I should know better than to veer from the script because the Wave petunias never disappoint, but I just felt like trying something different.

I still sprouted some ‘Tidal Wave Silver’ Wave petunias, but I usually also do a few Easy Wave cultivars, and this year I skipped them.

One new cultivar I tried had the audacity to send up only 2 plants out of the 24, and I even reseeded them!

Yeah, I’m missing those Easy Wave petunias already.

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