I Bet on the Wrong Horse

by Em
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On the day I took down the temporary fencing from around my homegrown annuals I spied FOUR very large rabbits eating their way across our lawn. Moments later one of them jumped into one of my flowerbeds and started mowing down marigolds. I didn’t even know rabbits would EAT marigolds!

I was worried that I might not have any plants left over by morning if all four rabbits started dining at once, so my friend offered me her new and unused jug of deer and rabbit repellent. I eagerly hooked up the sprayer and started applying it. Apparently I should’ve read the directions first (and now I’m too scared to read them).

All of my zinnias—large and tall—either aborted their top buds that were about to open or they now look deformed:

Oh I still have plants, but they won’t bloom anytime soon (or maybe normally or maybe ever).

I guess I should’ve just taken my chances with the hungry rabbits!

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