From My Window

by Em
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Some random thoughts today…

I hadn’t seen any Downy or Hairy Woodpeckers for weeks which is very unusual, but both species showed up at the feeders over the last couple of days. Maybe with the unusually-warm weather they’ve been able to find plenty of insects instead.


When you eat, do you stretch your leg out in front of your face? I didn’t think so. Me either, but this rabbit was making it look easy the other day.

I didn’t know this until now, but Cottontail rabbits are easily identifiable by that rusty-brown spot on the nape of their necks. And until I took these photos, I also never noticed that they have black trim on their ears.

According to the PennState Extension, “Cottontails generally spend their entire lives in an area of 10 acres or less” and “typically live only 12 to 15 months, but they have a high reproductive rate and can raise as many as six litters, averaging five young per litter, in a year.”


I have a nice collection of Dark-eyed Juncos acting as the clean-up crew under the feeders these days. I’m very surprised that the chipmunks aren’t with them and taking advantage of the 70-degrees days this week. They must’ve decided to go into winter torpor two weeks ago when it was so cold. They’ve missed some great bonus days for winter food collection, but I’d rather feed juncos than chipmunks, so that’s okay with me.

I hope this little flock of about a dozen juncos stays around for the winter.

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