Giving Strawflowers Another Try

by Em

It’s been a decade since I’ve tried growing any strawflowers. These annuals require more sun than I’ve been able to offer them over the last several years, but thanks to my husband lopping off about 10 feet of growth from the arborvitaes that border our back lot line, I’m hoping it might let in enough light to try growing these carefree flowers again.

Strawflowers love heat and can survive drought (not that I’m hoping for either this summer!), and they require little attention.

Strawflowers prefer well-drained soil in full sun. I can give them the well-drained soil, but partial-sun conditions are the best I can do.

I was tempted by the Tom Thumb mixture from Burpee. The plants grow 10-15 inches tall with “ultra-vivid button blooms of orange, yellow, red and pink.”

I’ll be sprouting them from seed indoors this winter to give them a head start. Then I’ll plant the seedlings in my flowerbeds in late May.

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