Spring Flocks

by Em
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The herky-jerky spring weather has brought some unusual bird flocks to my backyard. The arrival of Brown-headed Cowbirds are one of the first signs that the spring bird migration has begun around here. They often appear with flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds in late March or early April. But usually only one or two of the birds visit my feeders.

This spring a small flock of about 10 male cowbirds arrived our backyard.

And Chipping Sparrows are very common in our area, but they aren’t a bird I regularly see in our neighborhood in the summer. Every spring one or two birds will arrive and visit my feeders for a day or two, but then they move on.

This year a flock of Chipping Sparrows arrived and stuck around for more than a week. They were eating from the platform feeder and cleaning up seeds on the ground.

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