Rescuing the Daffodils

by Em

I can’t ever remember a stretch of such beautiful April weather like we enjoyed last week. It lasted 6 days with temperatures in the 70s and 80s (F). The only hitch was higher winds and very dry conditions. We were put under a Red Flag Warning for fire danger, so one of Wisconsin’s favorite spring activities (grilling) was discouraged.

It’s been a chilly spring so far, so it was amazing to see how quickly the plants took off in the warm weather.

But then winter came back with a vengeance. Thankfully in Madison we only got 2 inches of snow. Parts of central and northwest Wisconsin got anywhere from 7 inches to 20 inches of snow on Sunday night.

I decided to cut many of my daffodils on Sunday. I really didn’t want to do it, but with 1-3 inches of snow in the forecast with below freezing temperatures at night, I figured they were doomed.

I made the right call.

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