Better Late Than Never

by Em
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This past spring, the migrating warblers skipped our neighborhood for the first time.  It’s such a thrill to see birds in your yard that most people have to drive to state parks and wildlife preserves to view, and it was equally disappointing when they were no-shows.

As recently as yesterday morning, I was afraid the fall migrants weren’t going to show up either. Usually my yard is filled with White-throated Sparrows by now, but I hadn’t seen or heard a single one. All that changed yesterday afternoon when a large flock showed up and started jumping around the flowerbeds and yard looking for seeds. I even spotted a chunky Fox Sparrow among the group, but no Juncos.

The birds arrived about 10 days later than normal. Perhaps the weather patterns weren’t cooperating, or maybe there was such an abundance of food to the north that they were taking their sweet time moving southward. Whatever the case, I’m relieved to learn that my yard is still part of the fall tour.

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