My Favorite Bird Feeder

by Em
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I’ve tried just about type of bird feeder imaginable over the last several decades, but the type that has always attracted the widest range of birds for me is a platform feeder. Perhaps it’s because it allows the birds to keep an eye on the sky for hawks and other predators while they are eating. And there is also plenty of space for many birds to dine (or drop in and out) at the same time.

Platform feeder full of bird seed

My platform feeders have attracted all kinds of finches, sparrows and woodpeckers; plus nuthatches, Black-capped Chickadees and Blue Jays. In the spring the migrating birds visit the platform feeders too like Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Scarlet Tanagers, Baltimore Orioles, Indigo Buntings, Gray Catbirds and even the occasional House Wren (we had one that really liked peanuts!

Of course these feeders also get visits from grackles, starlings, red-winged blackbirds and crows plus the occasional hawk looking to snatch a songbird.

There’s room to serve whatever kind of nuts or seeds you want on a platform feeder (or even suet), and also oranges and little containers of grape jelly for some of those previously-mentioned spring migrating birds passing through.

For many years I’ve had two wooden Birds Choice platform feeders that I purchased from Amazon. I replaced one of them a few months ago because it had seen better days—a squirrel had gnawed on one of the sides and a juvenile woodpecker thought the wood made a great hole-drilling practice area!

Platform Feeder full of bird seed

That’s why I was excited to discover that Birds Choice now makes their platform feeders out of recycled plastic (poly lumber): “Poly lumber is proudly made from recycled plastic jugs and bottles in the United States and is designed to prevent cracking, splitting, or fading.” As a bonus, the feeders are made in the USA and manufactured right here in Wisconsin! The food sits on two polyester powder-coated screens that allow drainage, and they are removable for easy cleaning.

This time I ordered directly from Birds Choice (I’m not an affiliate, just a fan!). Of course I live in Wisconsin so maybe out-of-staters won’t be as fortunate, but I received my order in 2 days! The feeder is very sturdy and feels almost indestructible.

As the company explains in the description, you can use this feeder as a seed catcher under a hopper feeder (there’s a hole in the center for the pole to go through). I prefer to use it as a standalone feeder using a mounting flange. They sell one but I use the Wild Birds Unlimited Feeder pole system so I used one of their pole mounting flanges instead.

If you only use hanging feeders or you’re looking for something less expensive, Birds Choice also sells a poly lumber platform hanging feeder. My neighbor has one. It’s small (10″ by 10″) and cute, and it’s the most-visited bird feeder in her yard!

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