Winter Finally Woke Up

by Em

And just like that, it’s winter!

About 20 inches of snow fell on our neighborhood over the last week—one of the storms brought almost a foot of snow at one time. The local meteorologists had been telling us that catching up to the seasonal snow totals was going to be difficult this winter. Ha! Mother nature pulled that off in 4 days, and now Madison is 8 inches above normal for the season.

a photo of bird feeder baffles covered in a foot of snow
a photo of a garden bench covered in a foot of snow

Once the last storm moved through, the temperatures dropped well below zero, so it was also time to dig out the more serious winter clothes. December and early January were quite mild and dry, so there was no need for mittens, scarves or knee-length boots.

But now our block has backyard snowdrifts that are several feet high, and icicles hang from many neighbors’ roof gutters.

a photo of a snowdrift outside a sliding glass door
a photo of icicles hanging from a roof

After typing that last sentence, I looked up just in time to see my first American Robin for 2024! He didn’t look particularly thrilled to be hanging out on a snow-covered feeder in the 2-degree (F) “heat”. But I tossed some squishy, past-ripe grocery store blueberries on the platform feeder, so he was in for a special treat!

a photo of an American Robin at a bird feeder
a photo of an American Robin eating a blueberry from a snow-covered bird feeder

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