Impatient Perennials

by Em

I’ve never experienced a year where this many plants are popping up in early March already. I took a stroll around the backyard on Monday.

These are alliums:

a photo of allium leaves emerging from the soil in a flowerbed

It’s hard to tell from this angle, but my grandma’s bleeding heart already has 6-inch-tall sprouts:

a photo of bleeding heart sprouts appearing in a flowerbed

This is bee balm:

a photo of bee balm sprouts appearing in a flowerbed

This is cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis):

a photo of cardinal flower growing in a garden

The daffodils buds have emerged!

a photo of daffodil sprouts in a garden

And my little crocus bulbs are already showing off:

a photo of lavender crocus bulbs in bloom

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