Winter’s Last Hurrah

by Em

The second biggest snowstorm of the winter season (even though it’s already technically spring!) waited until the first week of April to arrive this year. Thankfully I had so much birdseed left over from our hawk-interrupted winter, that there was plenty to feed the scores of hungry birds that arrived at the feeders.

Hopefully this is finally winter’s last hurrah.

A photo of two an American Goldfinch feeding from a snow-covered hanging feeder.
A photo of a cowbird at a snow-covered platform feeder
A photo of a House Finch in a snow-covered shrub
A photo of a Red-winged Blackbird and a female Cowbird at a snow-covered platform feeder
A photo of two Mourning Doves at a snow-covered platform feeder
a photo of an American Goldfinch at a frozen feeder

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