
by Em

On a hike over the weekend my friend and I came upon an entire forest floor full of Mayapples. These native spring wildflowers do their growing and blooming before the trees leaf out.

A photo of Mayapples growing in a forest

They look like little green umbrellas. Bumblebees like to visit the flowers that appears between the axil of two leaves:

a photo of a Mayapple bud

All the parts of the plant are toxic except for the berry that forms in early summer.

These plants can be grown in a native or woodland garden and can even thrive under black walnut trees (they are juglone-resistant). They are not attractive to rabbits or deer.

a  photo of Mayapple plants

Mayapples spread by runners and are an option for people looking for a groundcover under deciduous trees. They grow 12 to 18 inches tall and are hardy in Zones 3-8.

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