First Perennial Blooms

by Em

Everything is blooming about 2 to 3 weeks early thanks to the mild winter. I’m not used to seeing so many summer perennials blooming already in mid June.

The first daylily to open in my yard is usually ‘Stella in Yella’ but I moved that plant last summer so it’s getting re-established in its new flowerbed. For the first time ever a large-flowering variety opened first. ‘Buttered Popcorn’ is one of my Garden Winners. You can’t miss those huge golden-yellow flowers when they’re blooming!

A photo of a 'Buttered Popcorn' daylily bloom

I have a salvia plant that’s been flowering since late May already, and I was surprised to see ‘Rozanne’ geranium flowers opening up last week (another Garden Winner I’ve been growing for more than 15 years):

A photo of two Geranium 'Rozanne' flowers in bloom

My ‘Darcey Bussell’ shrub rose loved all the rain we got this spring:

A photo of a 'Darcey Bussell' rose in bloom

And this is the best year my penstemons have had in a long time:

A photo of a penstemon flower in bloom

Meanwhile, Amsonia ‘Blue Ice’ is blooming according its usual early summer schedule:

A photo of Amsonia 'Blue Ice' blooming in a flowerbed

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