Still an Opera Fan

by Em

I still haven’t found a petunia that performs better than the Opera Supreme series.  They start blooming in June and keep churning out flowers until frost with absolutely no deadheading or fussing on my part. This year some of my plants even survived temperatures in the low 20s.

‘Pink Morn’ was the first color introduced. The bubblegum-pink blooms remain my favorite (pictured above and below):

Last year I tried Opera Supreme ‘Lilac Ice’. While the plants performed beautifully, the color just didn’t dazzle me like ‘Pink Morn’:

This year I grew Opera Supreme ‘Blue’. The color is very rich and velvety and ‘Blue’ looks fantastic with ‘Pink Morn’:

‘White’ rounds out the series, and I did sprout some of them this year but gave them all away.

As long as they keep breeding new colors for the Opera series, I’ll keep trying them. This is one annual that really gives you your money’s worth.

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mau January 11, 2010 - 12:39 pm

Hello! I was reading your blog and it’s really nice. I’d like to say that I’m also a big fan of the Opera Supreme series and in my garden they outperform every other petunia I’ve ever tried over the years.
If you’re interested there are already many other colors available, they are pink morn, blue, white, purple, coral, salmon, lilac ice and lavender, and you can find all of them on the internet.
Takii (the breeding company) is also testing two new colors, strawberry (looks like lilac ice but it’s pink veined) and sky blue, which is really pretty.. the same color as the sky blue surfinia.
Just wanted to let you know, since you really seem to enjoy growing them. Bye!

Em January 11, 2010 - 3:52 pm

You’ve made my day. Thanks so much for the tip!

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