Critter Count 10-2-07 (a tally of the critters in my yard)

by Em
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Time: 11:30 a.m.

Conditions: Cloudy, hazy and 66 degrees

Observed from: my home office, the garage and a quick trip outside to refill the birdbaths

Notes: It’s a busy bird day out there today. I spotted an Eastern Towhee on my bird feeder and was able to snap a photo. I haven’t seen one in my yard in several years. Because they like to forage on the ground, I was surprised to see this one eating from my feeder. The other day I heard a strange bird call and it was vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place it. Now I realize it was the Towhee.

In the last few weeks I saw a hummingbird almost every time I looked outside. I haven’t spotted one in 2 days. Perhaps they finally took off on their long migration.

Today’s Count:

  • 5 White-throated sparrows
  • 6 House Sparrows
  • 1 Chipping Sparrow
  • 1 Eastern Towhee
  • 1 Hairy Woodpecker
  • 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
  • 1 White-breasted Nuthatch
  • 3 Cardinals
  • 12 Goldfinches
  • 5 House Finches
  • 5 Mourning Doves
  • 2 Chickadees
  • 1 House Wren
  • 1 Blue Jay
  • 1 Monarch butterfly
  • several honeybees (I can’t believe I still have plenty of flowers for them on October 2nd!)
  • 2 chipmunks vacuuming up every seed that drops from the feeders
  • 2 squirrels

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