Fall Has Fallen

by Em
1 comment

Moderately Confused

It’s been snowing since yesterday afternoon. Thankfully it’s too warm for it to stick anywhere but the tops of roofs and cars.

The snowy weather really stirred up the birds which is good news for me because today is the first day you can count birds for Project Feederwatch!

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1 comment

ear November 8, 2008 - 2:56 pm

Dear Em,
I got a chuckle out of the cartoon of the leaves falling from the tree. Very cute.
I felt sorry for the dove(?) in your picture. He looks so cold!
Your daylily pictures from yesterday were spectacular. A nice reminder of what was just a few short months ago. Won’t be long, though, when we’ll be getting the 2009 spring catalogs and can start planning next year’s garden.
Love, ear

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