Garden Winner: Daylily ‘Ruby Spider’

by Em
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With another growing season under my belt I’ve decided that when the 9-inch ruby-red blooms of daylily ‘Ruby Spider’ unfurl, nothing else in the garden can compete. Out of the 350 cultivars I grow, ‘Ruby Spider’ is without a doubt my favorite daylily.

The 34-inch-tall plants begin blooming for me in early July and continue showing off well into August. I combine ‘Ruby Spider’ with other hot-colored daylilies like ‘Buttered Popcorn’ and ‘Mauna Loa’.  Everyone should have one of these dazzlers in their garden.

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » The Popular Kids January 10, 2009 - 7:47 am

[…] In second place is a daylily I personally adore, ‘Ruby Spider’: […]

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