‘Heaven Scent’

by Em
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One of my impulse purchases at the Flower Factory last weekend was Jacob’s Ladder (Polemonium reptans) ‘Heaven Scent.’  I’ve never grown a Polemonium before and didn’t know much about them. I admit was enticed by the pretty blue-lavender flowers.

I’ve since learned that Polemoniums are shade plants that sometimes struggle in mid-summer in hot and humid climates. However, ‘Heaven Scent’ is supposed to tolerate part sun as long as it’s well watered. I have the perfect spot for it.  My plant will get dappled sun in the late morning but will be in shade for the hot part of the afternoon.

‘Heaven Scent’ grows 18 to 24 inches tall with fragrant little bluish bells. It blooms in late spring and is hardy in Zones 3-7.

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