Grosbeaks in the ‘hood

by Em
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My husband started taking down our decrepit apple tree the other day. I was afraid it would effect the number of birds that visited our feeders since that was their landing place and “lookout.” I also didn’t think I’d be seeing any migrating birds in our backyard this spring. I was wrong on both accounts.

I spotted a Rose-breasted Grosbeak in our neighbor’s hickory tree this morning. I grabbed my camera and was fumbling with the lens cap when he flew right toward me. The next thing I know there were a half-dozen of them on my feeders.

I cracked open the window to find the air filled with the sweet melodies of warblers, grosbeaks and Indigo Buntings. It’s like being in the deep north woods without all the ticks and mosquitoes.

Not all the neighborhood regulars are happy about our visitors. The Red-bellied Woodpecker quickly let the Grosbeaks know who’s boss:

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