Now THAT’S an Organized Clump!

by Em
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I was very impressed with the new bee balm (Monarda) I purchased last spring. ‘Grand Parade’ grows only 13 to 16 inches tall and is supposed to exhibit extreme powdery mildew resistance. ‘Grand Parade’ bloomed for me from early spring until frost and never had even the teeniest speck of powdery mildew on its leaves.

Bee balms often drive me nuts because I’m an “organized clump” kinda gal, and they tend to die out in the middle or wander away from the main planting as the years go by. What a pleasant surprise I got when ‘Grand Parade’ emerged from its winter nap:

‘Grand Parade’ didn’t die out or wander, and it’s about 6 times the size it was last summer. I can’t wait to see all the blooms!

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