The Butterfly Whisperer

by Em
1 comment

The neighborhood cats follow me around the garden, so why not butterflies too? Every few years there’s an irruption of Red Admiral Butterflies in our area. They are especially visible in the evening as they fly erratically around the garden, landing and quickly taking off again.

Last weekend my husband and I were sitting on our screen porch in the evening. I could see several Red Admirals flitting around the backyard. I wanted to show my husband my nifty parlor trick, so I stepped outside and within seconds one landed on me. My husband went into the house to grab his camera and when he returned, the butterfly took flight again. No worries. Moments later another one appeared and landed on my head where he graciously posed for pictures. I could feel his little feet tickling my scalp:

I’ve always been a Red Admiral Butterfly magnet. I’m not sure if this happens to everyone, or if it’s because of my blond hair. I’ll be in the backyard watering my flowerbeds, and a butterfly will land on my shoulder or sleeve and fan his wings back and forth.  The first few times it happened I remained very still, but I soon figured out that they aren’t easily startled. They just sit contentedly on my shirt as I move about the garden watering or weeding. And yes, sometimes I even talk to them.

I’m not sure what the butterflies get out of it, but I sure enjoy our little visits.

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1 comment

ear June 7, 2010 - 6:32 pm

Hi Em,
This is fantastic! You must be sweet, like nectar, to the butterflies!!
Both of these pictures are great.


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