The Cardinal Channel

by Em
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We have a cardinal nesting under our soffet where the cable line meets our house. She’s been there for at least 2 weeks now. So far our cable and internet are still working properly.

She’s right next to the highbush cranberry bush where a baby cardinal was snatched from its nest several years ago.

At first I was convinced that this bird picked an excellent nesting location. Not only did it seem better protected from predators, but the nest has remained dry despite all the rain we’ve had lately. Unfortunately, I was completely wrong about the predators. Perhaps hawks will have a harder time getting the babies, but just about every other creature in our yard is using the shrub as a launching pad to attack the nest.

First it was House Sparrows. The father cardinal was able to fend them off pretty handily because they’re small, but they’re also pesky and cause trouble at least several times each day.

Next the cardinals had to take on a family of Blue Jays that were trying to trick the mother into stepping off the nest. There was so much noise going on that I could hear the commotion from inside the house with all the doors and windows closed. I finally went outside and assisted in the chase. I scared off 3 of them while the father cardinal worked fighter jet maneuvers on the biggest bird.

Yesterday I startled a squirrel that was climbing across the wire toward the nest. I’ve seen chipmunks climbing in that shrub too, so I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before they start causing trouble.

This is one set of parents in serious need of a vacation.

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