Calendula ‘Candyman Yellow’

by Em

I was looking for a short calendula for the front and middle of my borders when I stumbled upon ‘Candyman Yellow’. The dwarf plants grow only 12 inches tall with gorgeous, fully-double, dark-yellow flowers.

Like other calendulas, ‘Candyman Yellow’ isn’t bothered by pests or diseases which was a relief for me this summer in the midst of one of the worst growing seasons I’ve ever experienced.  I had several plants scattered throughout my flowerbeds, and all of them performed beautifully whether growing in full sun or part-shade. They just kept churning out flowers until our first hard freeze in late October.

I was pleased to discover that ‘Candyman Yellow’ has a sibling, ‘Candyman Orange’, that I will definitely be adding to my flowerbeds next summer.

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jamesck18 January 13, 2013 - 8:17 am

A great looking flower. Swallowtail Seeds have Candyman Orange. Did you try it? They give it an excellent review. I’ve been looking for a small number of Deja Vu to try but can only find it at Johnny’s. But it’s rather expensive for the packet of seed plus the shipping charges just to try the seed. Your flowers look so tempting. I’ll keep searching! James

Em January 13, 2013 - 11:06 am

I sprouted a few ‘Candyman Orange’ plants from seed a few years ago. Unfortunately I ran out of room for them in my annual beds and had to cram them into a perennial bed. By mid-summer they were buried by the bigger perennials and they never really got to “show their stuff.”

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