Cantankerous Crows

by Em

I could hear a crow screaming outside my window the other day, but I couldn’t see him in any of the trees or shrubs. That was my first clue that something wasn’t quite right. My second clue was a mad peeping sound like a sparrow or rodent in distress. I ran to the bay window and peeked into my flowerbed.

There I spied a crow stabbing repeatedly at the ground while a frantic vole scurried about in circles dodging the attack. I have to admit it was a little funny to watch, but the outcome was not going to be pleasant—at least for the vole or my eyes—so I tapped on the window.

The crow was startled enough to back up a few feet, but that silly vole was still so busy scurrying around shrieking that he didn’t realize that I’d given him a chance to escape.

The crow couldn’t resist the goofy moving target and jumped in for another attack. I waved my arms frantically and once again the crow backed away. This time the vole caught on, found the entry to his tunnel and dove in.

The crow and I glared at one another. He was not at all happy with me for scaring off his supper. He flew to his mate in a nearby oak tree, but the moment I turned my back, he returned. I frightened him away, and we started the whole process over again.

I wasn’t going to trust that senseless vole to stay out of sight, so I stood guard at the window until the crows finally gave up and disappeared.

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ear March 26, 2011 - 8:07 pm

Hi Em,
Em to the rescue. The vole lives to see another day!! Hooray!
Very interesting story. Let’s hope the vole stays outside and doesn’t decide to visit you inside (since you saved his life). Personally, I don’t care much for voles.

Em March 27, 2011 - 11:57 am

I don’t like voles much either, so I’m not sure why I felt so compelled to rescue him. I guess I just like to root for the underdog…even if it’s a rodent.

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