Mixing it up

by Em
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One of the reasons I like to start my own plants from seed is that I get to choose the flower colors. Many of the bedding plants for sale at garden centers in the spring come in limited colors or in mixes where white tends to be the dominant color.

I try to avoid mixed bedding plants and seed mixes whenever possible, but last year I made an exception. Renee’s Garden sells some lovely zinnia combinations, and I was tempted to try several of them. All of the zinnias in her mixes grow 36 to 42 inches tall.

‘Cool Crayon’ is my favorite and comes in shades of carmine-rose, white, soft pink and deep lavender. Curiously, out of the 18 that I sprouted from seed, none of them bloomed white. I was thrilled:

‘Hot Crayon’ is just the opposite in the color spectrum with fiery yellow, red and orange flowers:

I was impressed with ‘Berry Basket’ which is a mix of of raspberry, grape, violet and rose-pink zinnias:

Renee’s Garden also sells an interesting mix called ‘Decor’ which is a combination of apricot and lime green flowers. I wasn’t quite brave enough to try that one.

As much as I say I dislike mixes, I have to admit I’ve been nudged from my perch by these zinnias which sprouted easily and performed beautifully in my garden.

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