Garden Winner: ‘Jungle Beauty’ Daylily

by Em
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If you’re looking for something different for your garden next year, put a ‘Jungle Beauty’ daylily on your shopping list. In the early morning, the blooms appear nearly black. I was shocked when I saw the first flowers on my plant this summer. It’s certainly the darkest flower I’ve ever grown and really stands out in the garden.

As the day wears on and the flowers receive more light, they take on a very pretty black-purple color. ‘Jungle Beauty’ grows 30 inches tall with 5.5″ blooms. Sometimes the flowers on dark daylily varieties fade drastically in the sun. My ‘Jungle Beauty’ grows in partial-shade, but it received a few hours of afternoon sun each day and I didn’t notice any fading.

Because of its yellow-green throat, ‘Jungle Beauty’ looks particularly stunning next to yellow or gold flowers. It would also work well with pink or, if you’re really brave, even orange flowers.

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1 comment

Em’s Garden » Daylily ‘Midnight Magic’ February 25, 2009 - 8:15 am

[…] ‘Jungle Beauty’ is probably the darkest daylily I’ve ever seen, but there are others that come close. ‘Midnight Magic’ (pictured above) is an older cultivar (1979) with similar blackish undertones on a purple flower with a bright green throat. […]

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