‘Point of Divergence’ is a pretty ivory daylily with a purple eye. Some of that purple spills onto the petal edges as well.
The scapes reach 30 inches tall with 4.5-inch flowers. I planted this one in my backyard in 2020. So far the scapes have all stayed shorter than 30 inches. The flowers always catch my attention when I’m walking around the gardens.
This semi-evergreen daylily was registered in 2001. It’s known to be a fast grower.
I used to grow a similar daylily called ‘Moonlit Masquerade’. It’s an award-winning cultivar, but it never did well for me and I gave it away. The petals and sepals are whiter and the violet center is a bit darker.
Daylily ‘Point of Divergence’ blooms in the middle in the daylily season.