Crazy ‘Custard Candy’

by Em
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At a flower trial in Holland, five daylily cultivars were identified that regularly send up 500 blooms or more in a season once the plants are established. One of those daylilies is ‘Custard Candy’.

‘Custard Candy’ was one of the first daylilies I ever purchased. I offered it to my mother-in-law after a couple of years because the flowers just didn’t excite me at the time. Boy, did it ever take off in her garden. Sometimes we would count as many as two dozen scapes on that crazy plant. Unfortunately I had lost the label so neither of us ever knew what daylily was amazing us with so many flowers.

Then I spotted the article about the flower trial and instantly recognized ‘Custard Candy’ from a photograph. My mother-in-law just keeps dividing her original plant and the offshoots, and it doesn’t take long before the new plants are also sending up a ridiculous number of scapes loaded with buds. In 2010 she divided her plants again and offered me some clumps. I was happy to welcome ‘Custard Candy’ back into my flowerbeds.

‘Custard Candy’ grows 24 inches tall with 4-inch, cream-colored flowers with a maroon eye. ‘Custard Candy’ is a 1999 Stout Silver Medal winner that blooms in the middle of the daylily season. The creamy flowers easily blend with many other annuals and perennials in the garden.

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