My tulips aren’t scheduled to come out of cold storage for three more weeks yet, but the other day I thought I heard “Let my people GOOOOO!” coming from the basement refrigerator. When I opened the crisper drawer I saw my Tulip ‘Jenny’ bulbs just itching to see the light of day.
Most of the bulbs I forced last fall are Triumph tulips. ‘Jenny’ is a Single Early tulip, so perhaps that’s why she’s in such a hurry to get on with it. The rest of the bulbs are still snoozing away in the refrigerator. I know they’re growing roots because some of them stick up out of the soil or shift around, but they don’t have any sprouts sticking up quite yet.
‘Jenny’s’ sprouts are pale, but as I slowly introduce them to light and warmth and give them a nice drink, they’ll green up quickly.