Tulip Flop

by Em
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It’s time to give up on my last pot of forced tulips bulbs. When I brought them out of the refrigerator they quickly sent up foliage, but after that they just sat in the window blinking at me for a couple of weeks with no sign of flower buds.

The other day I noticed that the foliage tips were turning brown like they do when the tulips have FINISHED blooming. I leaned in for a closer look and discovered that my bulbs have been very busy. I counted 37 little bulblets peeking out of that 7-inch pot:

I have forced quite a few tulips over the years but this has never happened to me. I assume since the bulbs are behaving as if it’s the end of their lives and not the beginning that I was sent a batch of old bulbs.

I might be able to muster up some outrage if it wasn’t for the fact that I can already see the soil in my flowerbeds, and it’s only the end of February. Soon there will be tulips popping up all over my yard.


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