Melodramatic Gomphrenas

by Em

I really like the bold color of Gomphrena ‘Flashing Light’, but the plants are a little fussy about the heat (I say from the comfort of my air conditioned house…).

I had such great luck with the Audray series of gomphrenas last year that I thought I’d add another cultivar to my repertoire. I was looking forward to ‘Flashing Light’ because I’m always searching for annuals in that middle-of-the-border height range. ‘Flashing Light’ grows 16 inches tall.

It’s been so beastly hot and dry that I will have trouble evaluating any of my annuals this summer, but I’ve got a couple of ‘Flashing Light’ plants that deserve an Academy Award for the drooping and near-death behavior they display every every afternoon no matter how much water I give them.

Perhaps in a more normal summer they would be just fine. I’ll see how the plants look in August and September when, hopefully, the temperatures cool down a little bit and we get some rain.

Until then ‘Flashing Light’ is on my “watch” list.

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