Daylily ‘Cheddar Weasel’

by Em
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I live in Wisconsin, so it’s a no-brainer that I would grow a daylily called ‘Cheddar Weasel’. This little dormant daylily was bred by Wisconsin daylily hybridizer, Nate Bremer. Bremer’s introductions are bred to withstand brutal Wisconsin winters:

‘Cheddar Weasel’ is a good plant for the front of the perennial border. It grows 18 inches high with 3-inch, dark-gold flowers that showcase a mahogany eye.

I got my plant at a daylily sale 2 summers ago, and it is adjusting nicely to my yard. Every summer it sends up even more scapes loaded with attention-getting blooms.

‘Cheddar Weasel’ blooms in the middle of the daylily season.


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