Fun with Daylily Names: “Stand Back” Edition

by Em

‘Radiation Biohazard’:

‘Diva on Edge’:

‘Connie Can’t Have It’:

‘Atomic Glow’:

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jamesck18 February 24, 2013 - 9:40 am

Daylilies look great, particularly Radiation Biohazard. James

jamesck18 April 27, 2013 - 7:46 pm

Your Daylilies are not just beautiful, but so inspirational and in some cases unique! The Radiation Biohazard is an eye catcher. Wish I had a little more room in my home garden. Even though I have lots of room in our cottage garden we haven’t been able to spend much time there. I said to my better half a few days ago we spend most of our time there mowing the grass and tidying up. Then we head back home. More mowing and tidying. As Robert Frost said in his poem Stopping in the Woods on a Snowy Evening, “We have no time to stop and stare … “. James

jamesck18 April 28, 2013 - 8:19 am

Sorry, the quote comes from W. H. Davies poem Leisure. Realized my error when I went to bed last night. Both poems have similar themes. James

Em April 28, 2013 - 8:37 pm

Thanks for the kind words. Frost’s poem is one of my favorites. I am unfamiliar with “Leisure” so I looked it up—I can certainly relate! I spent 9 hours outside today “tidying.” I think every leaf from every neighbor’s tree ended up in my flowerbeds last fall.

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