More ‘Scarlet Orbit’

by Em
1 comment

I’ve written about daylily ‘Scarlet Orbit’ before, but as I was scouring some of my photo files recently, ‘Scarlet Orbit’ repeatedly drew my attention.

I have many red daylilies, but this one just has a perfect, flashy-red color that’s set off beautifully by the plant’s dark-green foliage. The contrasting chartreuse throat draws the eye and makes this daylily a good one to plant with gold or yellow perennials or daylilies, although I’m still partial to partnering it with the purple Geranium ‘Rozanne’:

‘Scarlet Orbit’ grows 22 inches tall with 6-inch flowers. This year I’m going to divide my plant and spread a little of that red cheer around the yard.

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1 comment

jamesck18 January 28, 2013 - 8:16 pm

This is a Such a vivid red day lily with the yellow eye. Just beautiful.

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