Daylily ‘Festive Fall’

by Em

Daylily ‘Festive Fall’ starts blooming in late July and early August in my garden just as many perennials are finishing up for the season. The 6-inch flowers are coral-orange with a stunning coral “stain” that surrounds a yellow eye and green throat.

Usually my daylilies stick to the script and grow to their registered heights, but ‘Festive Fall’ stretches beyond its 28 inches and usually grows about 36 inches tall for me. I planted ‘Festive Fall’ in the back row of one of my annual beds where it adds a flashy punch of color:

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jamesck18 September 26, 2013 - 8:14 pm

I’ve visited your site several times since I lasted posted. Your pictures have such clarity and beauty. What a lovely daylily, especially for the season. Wish I had room for Daylilies! James

Em September 27, 2013 - 9:18 am

Thanks for your kind comments about my photography. Daylilies make great subjects!

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