Garden Winner: ‘Whisper Mix’ Nicotiana

by Em

There’s no doubt about it, hummingbirds love ‘Whisper Mix’ nicotiana. I’m so glad I planted some in front of our screened porch this year so I can watch the hummingbirds up close.

‘Whisper Mix’ plants grow 3 to 4 feet tall with flowers that open white and turn from a light pink to a dark rose, so each plant is always displaying a lovely blend of various shades of pink and white. There’s no way to get stuck with all-white plants which often happens to me when I plant a “mix”.

The hummingbirds in my yard prefer ‘Whisper Mix’ over all the usual hummingbird favorites including cardinal flowers, butterfly bushes, bee balms and salvias. They just can’t get enough of it.

The plants are rather see-through so you can put them in the middle of a border, but they also look great anchoring the back of a border. They can handle full sun or even part-shade.

The bunnies aren’t interested in ‘Whisper Mix’ and the only insect pests that bother them are aphids which don’t do any measurable damage. The only negative thing I can say about ‘Whisper Mix’ is that the flowers (not the plants, just the flowers) sometimes flag in the heat of the day, even if the plants are well-watered. They just look a tad droopy. But once late afternoon and evening arrive, they perk right up again.

This is only my second year growing ‘Whisper Mix’ and I had a bit of trouble finding seed this year which concerns me. I don’t want this crack-for-hummingbirds to disappear any time soon.

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ear August 19, 2013 - 11:14 am

Hi Em,
Maybe I’ll have to plant some “Whisper Mix” next year (if the seeds are available). One or two hummingbirds come to the cardinal flowers each evening, but maybe more would come to “Whisper Mix”. The flowers are so pretty!

Em August 20, 2013 - 1:13 pm

I think it would great in your flowerbeds!

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