Your Days are Numbered

by Em

We’re back in the freezer again. Tonight’s predicted low is -19, but winter can’t hold out much longer. Even on these frigid days the sun already feels much warmer when it beats down on my dark winter coat.

The birds also know that winter is hanging on by a thread. When I shoveled snow in December and January, all was quiet. Now when I’m outside I hear cardinals practicing their spring songs, chickadees and nuthatches scolding and calling, and big crowds of House Sparrows arguing with each other in the nearby yews. It’s a veritable symphony of chatter.

Last week in the midst of filling the birdfeeders I got a big smile on my face when I heard the distinct “yeep” call from a sassy robin. I haven’t heard that sound in months.

I hope to hear much more yeeping very soon.



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jamesck18 February 11, 2014 - 12:50 pm

It has been awhile since I’ve made contact. But I have been following your posts. We’ve been having terrible cold and snowy weather since early December. If it continues into March, the robins will be late arriving.

I have been getting a few packets of seed to start indoors beginning near the end of April. I found that the shipping charges for the few packets I’ve ordered are costly. I ordered two packets of rudbeckia and one dahlia from Swallowtail – the shipping charge was 6.95 US plus the exchange rate. I found Pinetree to be somewhat better and placed a small order there, but the seed has yet to arrive.

I guess you will soon be doing some seed planting indoors? Take care – Spring is not too far off. James

Em February 11, 2014 - 1:22 pm

I wondered if your weather was as nasty as ours this winter, especially since the meteorologists keep telling us that everything is “coming down from Canada.” 🙂

I will be sowing my first seeds in about 2 weeks which means I better start figuring out how much of each plant I intend to grow. I ordered most of my seeds on the fly in late December because several seed companies—including Swallowtail—were offering free shipping and I wanted to take advantage of it. I’m pretty sure they did that the year before too. I don’t know how that works out for non-domestic orders, but you may want to keep your eyes peeled next December just in case.

If I see or hear any more robins, I’ll nudge them your way!

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